Raasch Thoughts



Raasch Thoughts is a collection of my thoughts, stories and experiences that will inspire you to take action in your life. Everyone has gifts, passions and talents our world needs. Sometimes we need a little motivation to help us achieve the success we deserve. I will open up about my life and share the lessons I learned from my experiences. How I inspired myself, how I motivated myself and eventually how I began to help others. As human beings it is our responsibility to lead the change that this world needs and I want to motivate you take that first step. Anything is possible if you want be honest with yourself and go after it. We all must live our life on purpose!


  • Life Challenges, Don't Let Them Slow You Down

    04/09/2018 Duration: 10min

    Some times you just don't know who is going to enter your life and make and impact. In this podcast I share to really important life encounters that I have had. They are both very personal and very profound. Remember life happens when you make it happen, so live your life on purpose. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • A Conversation with Mom

    12/02/2018 Duration: 11min

    I wanted to share with you a conversation with my Mom. She passed away 40 years ago but the memories of her are still strong. Just as the memories of her passing are just as strong.Thank you for letting me share this conversation with you. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Step Into Your Challenges

    10/12/2017 Duration: 11min

    I know it is a simple analogy, but in baseball to be successful as a hitter you must towards your challenge. You must step into the pitch to be a good hitter. It took me a long time as a kid to get the confidence to step into the pitch and hit the ball consistently. That same analogy exists for us each day in life. Don't side step you challenges, step into them. The more you step into your challenges the more successful you will be in overcoming them. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Give and Get a little "Loving" in your life

    18/09/2017 Duration: 15min

    Langston Hughes wrote a poem that talked about life, death and getting "a little loving in between". I use the message I felt in this poem to explore big changes in my life and how that little message is helping me to impact those around me. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Live Your Life with No REGRETS!

    22/05/2017 Duration: 13min

    I was watching a YouTube video the other day and they talked about what a person's biggest regrets were. They had posted a chalkboard in a park in New York City and let random people write down their regrets. The biggest thing everyone mentioned was all the things that they had "NOT" done. Here are my thoughts on regrets. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 5 Powerful Words

    15/05/2017 Duration: 17min

    I wanted an acronym to efficient define the lessons I've learned from my trauma, but I didn't come up with one. What I did find was 5 powerful words that define the lessons learned from each trauma. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Chris Robinson Shares His Story

    08/05/2017 Duration: 15min

    What is it like having a chronic disease that has good days and bad days? What lessons will you bring to your small business as you overcome daily challenges. Listen to Chris talk about his life with MS and owning his own small business. You can find him at www.fullscopecreative.com. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Listen to the messages in your life

    02/05/2017 Duration: 13min

    When we listen to the messages being sent to us we can find our purpose in life. Some people call that coincidence, others view it as faith and others view it as a message from God. However you look at it, we have messages being given to us everyday. I am learning to believe that those messages do come from God. God is putting people, events and circumstances in my life to help me understand what my purpose is. Are you listening? See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Get Control of Your Life

    24/04/2017 Duration: 12min

    My experience of abuse has created a sense that sometimes I do not have control of my circumstances or situations. I feel that I can be manipulated if the right buttons are pushed. This week I share a simple story about manipulation that resulting in me buying a shirt that I didn't want. What the event did teach me was I can recognize when I am triggered and being manipulated. The awareness of the loss of control through manipulation is important to me because it helps me recognize when it is happening. Then I can adjust my approach to the manipulation so I gain control again. What triggers you and allows you to be manipulated? What do you do about it when it happens? Do you even recognize when it happens? How can you find ways to gain control again? Maintaining a certain level of control in your life will allow you to feel balanced and positive about what is happening in your life. Losing control makes us feel less worthy or even like a failure. Recognize when control is slipping through your fingers and mak

  • I was abused

    17/04/2017 Duration: 17min

    Sometimes we have events in our life that are so dramatic and challenging that we just want them to go away and never return. Those events, whether we like it or not, impact us everyday. We just might not understand how and why. It was the courage of teenager that gave me the strength to share my story this week. I love going to schools and speaking to students about life, the journey, the challenges and the lessons that will be learned. I inspire them to find the positive message in those lessons. No matter how challenging those lessons are. The impact that this teen had on me with resonate for decades. Her story was tough to hear. It reminded me why I am committed to be a professional speaker. My message, my story and my lessons have a positive impact on those that hear them. You will hear how her story gave me the strength to share mine. If you know someone that has been abused share this podcast with them. Let's end the silence around abuse. Contact me at dean@deanraasch.com See acast.com/privacy for priv

  • Challenges Make Us Fly

    10/04/2017 Duration: 15min

    Our challenges shape us. How we use the lessons taught is another story. We could let the challenges bring us down and live our life wishing things were different. The better option is to look at those challenges and find the lessons that will help us be spectacular human beings that soar in life. I want people to understand all challenges are not an ending, but a beginning. When we embrace the challenge over come it and find the lessons we will become amazing human beings that will do incredible things for our communities. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Lessons from ex-Westboro Baptist Member

    03/04/2017 Duration: 14min

    I saw TED Talk recently featuring Megan Phelps-Roper. It was eye opening, heart opening and honest. I shared this on my Facebook page. I found most comments to be encouraging, suggesting that we have to find a better way to understand our differences and embrace those differences to make our world better. One individual embraced the concept and then said, "example in point, anyone who still supports trump and republicans. after everything and despite everything." I Informed her that I am a conservative and support the Republican party and quickly labeled me, accused me of hurting the poor and vulnerable in our communities. I thought to myself, did she even watch the video? The video spoke of opening your mind to differing views and finding ways to work together. To gain a better understanding of others. More importantly to not label people as bad people just because they view things differently. Our political world is s bastion of hate and discourse. It is time to change that. It is time for all of us to find

  • I Am Dying...Someday!

    27/03/2017 Duration: 17min

    Why does it take the words you are terminal to get people to realize how important it is to live? Why do we wait until then to decide that now I want to be myself, follow my dreams, live unconditionally. Why? We are all going to die. We just don't know exactly when that will happen. So let each of us start living today like it was our last. I know we hear that all the time, but it is true. We need to live each day like we are on our death bed and fixing all of our "wish I would have" and "why didn't I do that" thoughts running through our head. Each of us has a purpose and gifts. We need to trust that voice inside that tells us what we need to be doing. Start listening today. Start acting on it today. Start being you and living your life on purpose. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 10 Years Done...In Just a Blink of an Eye

    20/03/2017 Duration: 15min

    This past weekend my son played his last basketball game. What is sad is that my daughter played her last high school basketball game just a couple weeks earlier. My daughter is graduating from high school and finished her high school basketball career with a great season. My son on the other hand finished his last middle school tournament team program and has decided not to play high school basketball next year. The ended their season with a tournament championship, which is always nice. In the fall of 2006 my daughter started playing basketball with 3 other friends. And for the next 10 years between my son and my daughter we spent numerous weekends watching them play and cheering them on as they developed their skills on the basketball court, made friends and learned how to play as a team. And now it is over...a sad reality but it reminded me about what is really important. The memories we made. Look back at your past 10 years and reflect on all the positives that happened in your life. It will help you tru

  • Focus

    13/03/2017 Duration: 15min

    This week I share stories about the impacts of focus. Focus can be very beneficial to help us achieve our goals. However, I have witnessed first hand where focus creates a loss of awareness and tunnel vision. We have a mission as humans to achieve our goals and be successful. But don't be so focused that important needs around you are missed or forgotten. Be aware of the impact that you can and do have on those around you is extremely important too. Balance your focus on your goals and career with your awareness to be a good steward of your family, community and others that you meet. Be helpful and aware of needs. Use your gifts and talents to help others and together we make this world a better place. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Life Lessons from my Leukemia

    06/03/2017 Duration: 16min

    Leukemia is a tough, tough disease. I know. I battled it and one. I wasn't an easy fight and it is one that have mentally battled for years. Although I am seemingly healthy today, albeit a little gray and heavier than I would like, but healthy. As I read through blogs on the internet, I find all these 5 steps to success, 10 ways to peel a carrot and 147 small towns you must visit before you die type articles. And as I read them, most of them are common sense. So why do we need someone to remind us of the 17 steps it takes to properly brush your teeth each day? I'm not sure. So I thought maybe I need to come up with a list. And here it is. My 5 lessons learned from battling leukemia. I took those lessons and applied them to the business world. These lessons are common sense and they can apply to any part of your life. Listen, enjoy and share this podcast. Maybe someone out there does need a little common sense boost today. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Make a Difference in Someone's Life

    27/02/2017 Duration: 14min

    This week I share a couple of stories that I experienced that had such profound impacts on me as a person. Each story revealed to me how just simple acts of kindness can change how a person feels, thinks, acts or responds to events happening in their life. Imagine if we took this approach everyday. Not only in just our personal life, but in our professional life too. Think about those great mentors in your life. What was that they did to make such an impact on you. Are you impacting others in a positive way just like your mentors did with you? When you take the time to get to know others and help them you will bring about real significant and positive change in this world. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • I Am Different

    20/02/2017 Duration: 17min

    What is wrong with being different? Is there strength in different thoughts, views and believes? Sometimes finding out how different you are can be a struggle or create a moment of soul searching. This week I share my experience of truly feeling different as I battled leukemia. It wasn't years after this moment in life that I found and appreciated the message. Now I want to share that message with you. This was a hard topic to discuss because it gets to the heart of being vulnerable and still believing in yourself even when being judged. And in this case I wasn't judged in a negative way, I was judged in a way that finally made me feel like I was sick and my hope for survival was slim. When we find people that "different" embrace them, show them love and caring. They have something to offer this world. It is up to us to help them use their gifts to make us all better. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • How Did that Dryer Sheet Get There?

    13/02/2017 Duration: 15min

    Have you ever gone to work or out in public and had no clue that you got dressed in an odd manner? I went to work once with a dryer sheet hanging just a half inch or so out of the sleeve of my shirt. It wasn't until nearly an hour in to my day that some else noticed it. I pulled out the dryer sheet and just laughed. How could I miss that? What else have you missed? Where have you either lacked focus or been so focused that you weren't present or aware of what was really going on around you? It is very tough to be aware all the time. We do need a break on occasion. However when it really matters, we must understand how to become more aware and be present in the moment. What are some moments when you lack awareness? When your co-worker is explaining a major issue to you, but you need to get that big email out. When your child is getting your attention to talk about an issue or just wanting to play but you have so much on your mind. When you are just sitting in a crowded room of people. Are you aware of what is

  • Beauty of Imperfection

    06/02/2017 Duration: 18min

    In the art of Kintsugi pottery is broken and then put together using gold lacquer to make that pottery even more beautiful than before. Although not perfect, there is beauty in it. Just like the beauty of a walk in the woods in the fall. Leaves strewn every where, branches broken and fallen, trees leaning on other trees, no order whatsoever, but beautiful in it's own right. We all have parts of us that are not perfect, yet those are the parts that make us unique and perfect in our own right. Maybe we have trauma in our past, maybe we aren't athletic or can't sing, but we can write stories that inspire the masses. Maybe we don't understand technology, but we are a great chef. We dwell on what we can't do and what makes us not perfect, versus finding our uniqueness and exploiting that gift. Because I assure you your uniqueness and gifts are exactly what this world needs to be better. We need you beautiful imperfections that make our families, communities and world better for the future. So embrace your imperfec

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